Join us for a discussion on a woman scientist's adventure in the Kalahari Desert in Namibia as recounted in Arianna Dagnino's post-aparteid novel The Afrikaner (Guernica)

The reading cum discussion will be held on Zoom on
August 14th from 1.30 pm to 2.30 pm (Pacific Day Time)
during the international conference
co-organized by Jutta Eming (Freie Universität Berlin), Daniela Fuhrmann (Universität Zürich), and Gaby Pailer (UBC Vancouver), August 11-14, 2022 / UBC Vancouver Campus & Online. Venue: CENES Meeting Room, Buchanan Tower 997, 1873 East Mall, Vancouver B.C. V6T 1Z1 (Zoom link to be provided to registered participants)
All presentations are online, and free and open to the public.
A Zoom link will be sent to all registered participants three days prior to the conference.
Download the program here:

This international conference is made possible with the generous support of a SSHRC Connection Grant with matching funds from Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) and the Universität Zürich (Switzerland). The co-organizers further acknowledge funding contributions from the UBC Faculty of Arts, the CENES Ziegler Fund, LMU München (Germany), Stanford University (USA), the University of Waterloo (Canada), and TU Darmstadt (Germany). We are grateful that this event can be held on the UBC Point Grey (Vancouver) campus, which sits on the traditional, ancestral,anduncededterritoryofthexwməθkwəyə̓ m(Musqueam)FirstNation.
Campus participation is limited. We strongly encourage online participation. To register, please email: