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  • aridag5

Il "Quintetto d'Istanbul" a Milano/in Milan – Post-event Pics

The city where I grew up professionally and to which I'm much indebted welcomed me in the most splendid way with a blue sky and the offer to present my book Il Quintetto d'Istanbul at its prestigious Università Cattolica. A big thank you to Prof. Vittorio Emanuele Parsi (Director of ASERI, Graduate School of International Relations) for having made this possible. A big thank you also goes to "neonomadic" translator and interpreter Paolo Maria Noseda and journalist Stefano Vastano (press correspondent from Berlin) for an engaging discussion on the major themes discussed in The Istanbul Quintet: transnational lifestyles, nationalism & borders, creative writing, autobiography, transcultural literature, translation, bilingualism, identity, belonging and sense of place.

Un grazie di cuore ai tanti amici, colleghi, studenti e curiosi lettori che hanno partecipato all'evento di persona o collegandosi online e che hanno animato la serata con le loro domande.

Arianna Dagnino, Il Quintetto d’Istanbul (Ensemble, Roma): A literary journey through the transcultural mind

Segui il blog di Arianna! Follow Arianna's blog!

I would also like to thank the Canada Council for the Arts for its support in this book tour.

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